CCDS Overview
General Incorporated Association
Connected Consumer Device Security Council(CCDS)
Hideyuki Tokuda (President, National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Visiting Professor, Keio University)
Representative Director:
Tsukasa Ogino (Specially Appointed Professor, Kyoto University)
Managing Director:
Atsuhiro Goto (Professor, Institute of Information Security, SIP: PD)
Tsutomu Matsumoto(Professor, YOKOHAMA National University)
Embedded/IoT/M2M in general, Connected Consumer Devices which are not operated (monitored and controlled) by professionals

Goal and Activities

Main businesses
- Internal/external trend investigation on security in various field of consumer devices, and interchange/cooperation with internal/external organizations
- Development of security technology which satisfies safety and security of consumer devices
- Development of security design process, development/preparation of verification method guidelines and promotion of international standardization
- Preparation/control of life device verification environment, verification business and human resource development on security, public relations/dissemination activity, etc.
CCDS Organization